Health and business is something that can not be separated in public life every day, Health is part of the object mobility business community life, business in the health sector is considered very promising profits, Why
business is very interested in health?, because business is not in the field of health
affected by the economic crisis or the global economic crisis.
Business in the field of health in public life there are 2 groups, the first group is business people and workers in the field of health who have legality hu
law in the health sector nationally and internationally, among others, pharmaceutical nurse doctor hospital pharmacy, the second business an alternative health treatment, workers
an alternative health field has no legal basis but the public interest
especially the middle class to grow an alternative treatment were discovered bawah.metode
middle of the environmental community itself is a good method of natural medicine and spiritual methods.
From 2 areas of business and health workers, which one has the legality of law as a business and health workers and the other one does not have legality
law in the areas of health, such as doctors and medical specialists an alternative, one thing is same
from these two areas of health workers, if there are many patients who recovered consultation
it will be popular and more and more patients come, praise came and title
echoed a great person, really? two health workers who can reverse it's great
all disease? Surely no human being has the ability to heal
disease, humans only have the knowledge and experience, healing naturally walk on his pact, no permanent ill patients such as diabetes, cancer and other recovered patients still continue to rely on drugs throughout the history of a disease.2 sector health workers are always going to be a popular medium they are only less than 30 minutes to see patients even just 5 minutes or 10 minutes
meet patients and all forget who makes the drug are eaten and into the body, and who is more deserving ............................. ....................?<<Back<<